Our Ministries

The church is not a building made of brick and mortar.  It’s the people… not the place.  It can be described like a mosaic puzzle.  Everyone is uniquely created with various ages, talents, experiences and all coming together to fit into one beautiful portrait which glorifies our God and creator.  However, the amazing thing about this puzzle is there’s always room for one more person to fit.   

1 Corinthians 12:18 says that “God has set every member in the body as pleases Him.”  Perhaps you are considering a visit or becoming a member of Every Nation Auckland City.  Or, you may be looking for a place, within ENAC, to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus.  Just know that if God is drawing you... He has a place for you.  We care deeply for everyone at every age and stage of life and would love for you to become a part (get fitted) into our Every Nation Auckland City family.

Please check out each of the link above to find out a bit more about all our ministries.